Let's Turn Your Assets Into Passive Income!

My Horse Trailer Makes Me $1,500/week

All My Systems- $97

'This Week Only'

WAS $497

Grab My Step-by-Step Course, Websites & Systems

You could have a Fully up and running business in Less than 2 hrs!

From Something You Already Own!

All My Systems- $97

'This Week Only'

Get My Exact Website

That is Already Generating $1500 in Weekly Sales

$4997 Value

  • Get Exact Copy so you can modify to fit your style

  • Change the colors, logo and phone number in minutes

  • Digital Contracts already Uploaded!

  • Integrated Payment Processing

  • Automated Booking & Review Request

  • 30 Day Free Trail on where I host my website!

Operate Your Rental Business Like Other Big Businesses...

U-haul?--- Yes

Collect Drivers License, Insurance, Contracts signed and Payments when they Book.

  • 100% Hands Free

  • No Chasing Papers

  • Verify Your Renters Insurance prior to Rental

  • $$$ in your Bank Account!

Turn this into a Contactless Pick Up

Trailer Rental Contracts

Written by an Attorney

$2700 Value

I spent the 20+ day's waiting and paying for attorneys to draft this contract

Feel at Ease Knowing you are Protected!

Psst... This contract is designed for Horse and livestock Trailer owners but can be used for any trailer rental or farm equipment!

Get Free Leads From Google

Yes, you heard me... FREE

$497 Value

$97 -This Week Only

This is the exact Step-by-Step Course

Marketing Agencies don't want you to know about!

  • Rank to the Top of Google Organically

  • Free Leads (Business)

  • Direct Bookings

  • Your Phone Ringing

  • Automatic Review Requests

Do It once and don't touch it again

The Exact Method I use to Keep My Trailer Booked Solid!

Hi, I'm Amanda Gilmer

I'm a Supermom of two princesses.

I live on a Farm...

I own and operate Four businesses...

But My Trailer Rental Business Changed My life!

Finally something that is Truly Passive Income

I make $1,500/Week from my One Horse Trailer

If I can do this you can too!

It's Time for some Finacial Freedom!

Just a Quick Recap...

Here is what is included:

  • Money Making Fully Built Website $4997

  • Trailer Rental Contract (Attorney Written) $2700

  • The Insurance Companies I Use- Time Saving

  • Automated Booking $297

  • Payment Processing Set up $149

  • Digital Signature Request $97

  • The CRM System Completely Set up $997

  • Google My Business Optimization (Free Leads) $497

  • Access to My FB Community-Priceless

  • List of Products Needed (Tracking devices, Sanitization) Bonus

  • List of Other Farm Equipment I rent out Bonus

Normally $497

was $9138

This is literally the easiest I have ever made money and from something I already own!

I Just Wish I would have done this sooner...

Imagine what an extra $1500/week could do.

Pay for your Horse feed...

The Trip You Dream of...

Another Horse...

Shoot Just paying the bills right now!

You too could have this Business up and Running for yourself TODAY if you wanted to...

Now $497

was $9138

$97 -This Week Only

Copyright © Amanda Gilmer